Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

it might be called.... fate

It might be called…. Fate

“Some people are looking for but some don’t. they just waiting.”

Iam doing what exactly I need. It isn’t about being confused with any suck things, but more than that. I’ve been turned onto the first kind of people’s type. Definitely, I do not know what kind of things I looking for but I just sure that I have to do it. I have to do it. Just it.

Well, mungkin nonton film (500) days of Summer, just remind me with some freaky things which never be forgotten because that movie, diretly has impacted me. Banyak hal yang udah terbahas di postingan sebelumnya tentang film ini.  For me, film ini lebih dari sesuatu. Selalu setiap saat after I watched this movie, it always there is something which is meant to be. Dan pada dasarnya apapun yang terjadi with our life emang meant to be.

Looking for emang merupakan suatu aktifitas yang sometimes in one  hand can be such a fun things but the other hand it isn’t. tapi bagi para pencari, looking for is better than just waiting. For me, it could be your precious experience on your entire life. You can find many kind of people which is you’ll never find ‘em while you just sitting down and just wait. I hate that verb. Wait. So boredom.

Mungkin kalo kita ngomongin ttg actor selalu ga ada habisnya ya. Summer, si cantik bermata manis itu emang selalu menarik hati semua laki-laki yang lihat dia, but everything is never as it seems toh? Tom should realize this one. Well, Summer ga sepenuhnya bersalah lah dalam cerita cinta ini. Bukan berarti mereka have make love all night long bisa ngejadiin mereka pasangan yang everlasting. They won’t put named label on their relationships because it isn’t that easy. No, it didn’t. teorinya ga seperti itu. Sometimes get some conversation makes you know what kind of man you’ve talked with. Dengan ngomong bareng dan haha-hihi dengan orang itu ga jarang bikin dia looks gorgeous di mata kita. Well, itu semua emang tergantung ama pembawaan diri doi sih ya, but yang paling pentig itu kitanya sik.


I love that scene. Well, akan ada waktunya kami untuk sekedar melakukan perbincangan hangat ditemani sinarnya yang kekuningan itu. I’m not a romantic person but I do love the sweet things out. Sebenarnya apa yang benar-benar I looking for itu sama sekali blur. Engga jelas, but paling ngga I try to figure it out..

Okay, bertemu dengan banyak laki-laki yang ga jarang bikin kamu getting attached. So do I. saya sampe suka bingung sendiri, ini  saya sebenernya suka sama yang mana. Tapi Cuma getting attached, apa iya harus Cuma sama satu orang? Well, call me geek on this case. But no one knows apa yang bakal terjadi dimana yang awalnya benci-bencian tiba-tiba berselang sedetik, mereka ga bisa dipisahkan saat bertemu. Well, no one knows.

But for me, love doesn’t come trough that way. Mereka bisa muncul karena ada hal “real” ga Cuma imajinasi berbau fatamorgana called, definitely, I don’t know what it calls. Mungkin getting attached.

“aku perlu tahu perasaanmu tidak akan berubah saat bangun esok pagi” but no one knows Tom, no one knows darling…


“Well, so why  when we just holding hands, or you just put your head on my shoulders, or just go with me to movies just makes me happy, even you just look at my eyes while I talk, it really makes me high. I  really don’t care what people talk about us. Who cares? I’m happy, aren’t you happy?”

But we always don’t know that things could be change just in a second. 

Well, It might be called…. Fate

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